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Official Scientology and Dianetics Glossary The Secret History of Mind Control - part 1 of
3 The Secret History of Mind Control - part 2 of
3 The Secret History of Mind Control - part 3 of
U.S. Human Rights Abuse Report - part 1 of 3 U.S. Human Rights Abuse Report - part 2 of 3 U.S. Human Rights Abuse Report - part 3 of 3 Walter H. Bowart - Interview
- Nazis and the C.I. A.
For research purposes, here is a list
of mind control projects that have been exposed over the years:
Chapter - In 1947, the Navy conducted the first known post-war mind
control program, Project CHAPTER, which continued the drug experiments.
Decades later, journalists and investigators still haven't uncovered much
information about this project - or, indeed, about any of the military's
other excursions into this field. We know that the Army eventually founded
operations THIRD CHANCE and DERBY HAT; other project names remain
mysterious, though the existence of these programs is unquestionable.
Mockingbird - This unlikely land of enchantment is the creation of
MOCKINGBIRD. It was conceived in the late 1940s, the most frigid period of
the cold war, when the CIA began a systematic infiltration of the
corporate media, a process that often included direct takeover of major
news outlets.
In this period, the American intelligence services
competed with communist activists abroad to influence European labor
unions. With or without the cooperation of local governments, Frank
Wisner, an undercover State Department official assigned to the Foreign
Service, rounded up students abroad to enter the cold war underground of
covert operations on behalf of his Office of Policy Coordination. Philip
Graham, __a graduate of the Army Intelligence School in Harrisburg, PA,
then publisher of the Washington Post., was taken under Wisner's wing to
direct the program code-named Operation MOCKINGBIRD
Operation MOCKINGBIRD — The CIA begins recruiting
American news organizations and journalists to become spies and
disseminators of propaganda. The effort is headed by Frank Wisner, Allan
Dulles, Richard Helms and Philip Graham. Graham is publisher of The
Washington Post, which becomes a major CIA player. Eventually, the CIA’s
media assets will include ABC, NBC, CBS, Time, Newsweek, Associated Press,
United Press International, Reuters, Hearst Newspapers, Scripps-Howard,
Copley News Service and more. By the CIA’s own admission, at least 25
organizations and 400 journalists will become CIA assets.
"Whispers" is a collection of case histories of
paranoia that Siegel had studied. One of these cases is a man named Tolman
who believes that his mind is being controlled by computers via a
satellite system named POSSE (Personal Orbiting Satellite for Surveillance
and Enforcement). Siegel implies that claims like this are similar to the
James Tilly Matthews case. And indeed they are, but it is clear that
Siegel is trying to dismiss Tolman's claims by implying that similar
reports existed two centuries before this technology could have existed.
Chatter - 1951 Project CHATTER, a highly classified Navy program to
search for a truth drug, began. They were looking for a way to make
someone talk "fast" in the event of a security emergency. These
experiments used barbiturates, amphetamines, and heroin. The drugs were
supplied by the Bureau of Narcotics and pharmaceutical companies. Some of
the experimental subjects included the scientists themselves, and mostly
students. 1953 Project CHATTER was abandoned by the Navy.
Bluebird - 1950 Project BLUEBIRD was approved by the first CIA
Director, Roscoe Hillenkoetter. He also approved the use of unvouchered
funds to pay for its sensitive areas. This began the CIA's first
structured behavioral control program. Their goals consisted of
"controlling an individual to the point where he will do our bidding
against his will and even against such fundamental laws of nature as
self-preservation." Some of their experimental subjects included North
Korean prisoners of war and suspected double agents.
The newly-formed CIA plunged into this cesspool in
1950, with Project BLUEBIRD, rechristened ARTICHOKE in 1951. To establish
a "cover story" for this research, the CIA funded a propaganda effort
designed to convince the world that the Communist Bloc had devised
insidious new methods of re-shaping the human will; the CIA's own efforts
could therefore, if exposed, be explained as an attempt to "catch up" with
Soviet and Chinese work. The primary promoter of this "line" was one
Edward Hunter, a CIA contract employee operating undercover as a
journalist, and, later, a prominent member of the John Birch society.
(Hunter was an OSS veteran of the China theatre - the same spawning
grounds which produced Richard Helms, Howard Hunt, Mitch WerBell, Fred
Chrisman, Paul Helliwell and a host of other noteworthies who came to
dominate that strange land where the worlds of intelligence and right-wing
extremism meet.
Hunter offered "brainwashing" as the explanation
for the numerous confessions signed by American prisoners of war during
the Korean War and (generally) UN-recanted upon the prisoners'
repatriation. These confessions alleged that the United States used germ
warfare in the Korean conflict, a claim which the American public of the
time found impossible to accept. Many years later, however, investigative
reporters discovered that Japan's germ warfare specialists (who had
wreaked incalculable terror on the conquered Chinese during WWII) had been
mustered into the American national security apparat - and that the
knowledge gleaned from Japan's horrifying germ warfare experiments
probably WAS used in Korea, just as the "brainwashed" soldiers had
indicated. Thus, we now know that the entire brainwashing scare of the
1950s constituted a CIA hoax perpetrated upon the American public: CIA
deputy director Richard Helms admitted as much when, in 1963, he told the
Warren Commission that Soviet mind control research consistently lagged
years behind American efforts
Artichoke 1951 Project
BLUEBIRD was renamed Project ARTICHOKE. The CIA director approved a
liaison with the Army and Navy who were interested in finding a truth
drug. Another liaison was formed with the Air Force who wanted to study
interrogation techniques. Information was also exchanged with the Canadian
and British governments.
Some of Project ARTICHOKE's experimental subjects
included: suspected agents, suspected double agents, people who "had a
known reason for deception," American college students (supposedly for
more benign testing), and foreigners (since the CIA was more likely to try
certain procedures out on them rather than American citizens.) "Terminal,"
or "to the death" experiments were usually carried out in other countries.
According to Bowart, the control method used on two
agents involved drugs and hypnosis (narco-hypnosis). The subjects were
hypnotically regressed and made to relive past experiences. Posthypnotic
suggestions were given to induce total amnesia of their interrogations.
The CIA called this experiment "very successful."
Castigate - 1952 Project CASTIGATE began when the Navy and the CIA
teamed up to test a "secret potion" that consisted of a depressant, a
stimulant, and the active ingredient in marijuana. The drugs were to be
administered over a three-day period. The experiment was carried out in
Germany at a secret CIA base on a military installation. Experimental
subjects included one known double agent, one suspected double agent and
three defectors. Project CASTIGATE was considered a failure.
MKNAOMI - 1952 MKNAOMI (Pronounced M-K NAOMI with M-K standing for
mind control.) TSS's agreement with the Special Operations Division of the
Army's biological research center at Fort Detrick, Maryland. SOD's job was
to produce germ weapons for the CIA's use.
MKULTRA - 1953 MKULTRA, a CIA program for the covert use of
biological and chemical weapons began. Bowart states, "According to CIA
documents, MKULTRA was 'an umbrella project for funding sensitive
projects' and covered 'policy and procedures for the use of biochemicals
in clandestine operations...' " "MKULTRA was exempted from normal CIA
financial controls and allowed TSS to begin research projects without
contracts or written agreements." TSS stands for Technical Services Staff
and was an agency referred to as "the Gadget Wizards," similar to what "Q"
is to James Bond.
Drugs, electronics and electroshock Targeting:
Short range Frequencies: VHF HF UHF modulated at ELF Transmission
and Reception: Local production Purpose: Programming behavior, creation
of "cyborg" mentalities Effects: narcoleptic trance, programming by
suggestion Subprojects: Many. Pseudonym: Project
Artichoke Functional Basis: Electronic Dissolution of Memory, E.D.O.M.
As usual, MKDELTA and MKNAOMI had already been set
up prior to the CIA being given official permission for MKULTRA. MKDELTA
became the operational side of MKULTRA.
MKULTRA focused on drugs, specifically LSD since
the CIA had a phobia about LSD ending up in the hands of the Russians. The
CIA wanted to use LSD as a weapon. The Russians and the Cold War were used
as a national security excuse for most of the CIA's actions. The CIA
studied hundreds of other drugs besides LSD, as well as experimenting
with: "radiation, electroshock, psychology, sociology, anthropology,
psychiatry, harassment substances and paramilitary devices and materials."
It appears that the scientists enjoyed trying these
drugs on themselves, but they also used many hospital patients, volunteers
(mostly students), inmates who were usually paid for their participation
with more drugs, and eventually anyone the CIA could get, without their
consent, of course. The CIA "scientists" even reduced themselves to
misting and spraying unwitting American citizens as they walked down busy
city streets. Later they would study how they could manipulate genes, and
develop compounds that could simulate heart attack and stroke.
At least
one person committed suicide after becoming an unwitting subject of a CIA
LSD test, crashing through a highstory plate-glass window in a New York
hotel as his Agency guardian watched. (Or perhaps the guardian did more
than watch. In June 1994 the victim’s family had his thirty-year-old
corpse exhumed to check for signs that he may have been thrown out that
window.) Numerous others lost their grip on reality.
was the code name the CIA used for its program directed at gaining control
over human behavior through “covert use of chemical and biological
materials,” as proposed by Richard Helms. The name itself was a variation
on ULTRA, the U.S. intelligence program behind Nazi lines in World War 11,
of which the CIA's veteran spies were justly proud.
later became CIA director and gained a measure of notoriety for his
'Watergate "lying to Congress" conviction and a touch of immortality in
Thomas Powers's aptly named biography, The Man Who Kept the
Secrets. Helms founded the MK-ULTRA program and justified its notably
unethical aspects with the rationale, “We are not Boy Scouts.”
MK-Ultra: The CIA and Radiation MK-ULTRA Information Material on the CIA funded MK-ULTRA experiments using
LSD. Radiation Experiments Hearing Text Transcript of 3/15/95 public hearings of the Advisory
Commitee on Human Radiation Experiments.
Project Moonstruck, 1952,
Electronic implants in brain and
teeth Targeting: Long range Implanted during surgery or
surreptitiously during abduction Frequency range: HF - ELF transceiver
implants Purpose: Tracking, mind and behavior control, conditioning,
programming, covert operations Functional Basis: Electronic Stimulation
of the Brain, E.S.B.
Project Orion, 1958,
Drugs, hypnosis, and ESB Targeting:
Short range, in person Frequencies: ELF Modulation Transmission and
Reception: Radar, microwaves, modulated at ELF frequencies Purpose: Top
security personnel debriefing, programming, insure security and
loyalty Pseudonym: "Dreamland"
MKDELTA - 1960, CIA:
Fine-tuned electromagnetic subliminal
programming Targeting: Long Range Frequencies: VHF HF UHF Modulated
at ELF Transmission and Reception: Television antennae, radio antennae,
power lines, mattress spring coils, modulation on 60 Hz
wiring. Purpose: programming behavior and attitudes in general
population Effects: fatigue, mood swings, behavior dysfunction and
social criminality, mood swings Pseudonym: "Deep Sleep",
Derby Hat - 1960 - The Army
Assistant Chief-of-Staff for Intelligence (ACSI) authorizes field testing
of LSD in Europe and the Far East. Testing of the european population is
code named Project THIRD CHANCE; testing of the Asian population is code
named Project DERBY HAT.
Project MONARCH - Mind control is absolute. Under MK-Ultra Project Monarch
trauma-based mind control, ... a subsection of the CIA's Operation
Artichoke which is also known as Project MK Ultra ... [involving] the
sophisticated manipulation of the child's mind to protect itself from
extreme trauma by creating Multiple Personality Disorder.
Operation Monarch by Mark Phillips Cathy
O'Brien - An Open Letter on Project Monarch Cathy O'Brien - My Introduction to Humanity Cathy O'Brien - Transformation - Epilogue Outpost of Freedom Mind Control - The Secret History Project Monarch Offline Illumination Operation Monarch Ritual Abuse Links David Icke Recommended Reading Project Monarch: The Tangled Web
Control - Mark Phillips & Cathy O'Brien Transcription: Cathy O'Brien's Presentation Mind
became MKSEARCH. Many sub-projects stayed under MKULTRA while the most
sensitive behavioral experiments went to MKSEARCH. These experiments were
conducted on prisoners, terminal cancer patients and people who were
described as mental "defectives." They also used radar waves on monkeys'
brains (which risked "cooking" their brains) and one scientist took the
head of one monkey and tried to attach it to the body of another. Other
experiments involved studying telepathy, radio frequencies and
MKSEARCH continued into the early 1970's, and more
experiments were performed under ORD, the Office of Research and
Development. Some of these experiments consisted of implanting electrodes
into the brains of cats, dogs, and reptiles and controlling the animals
remotely. Animal experiments were always (and still are) performed first
and heinously, but we don't hear much about these atrocities.
According to Bowart, the following agencies were
involved in behavior modification and behavioral research projects: the
Defense Department, the Department of Labor, the National Science
Foundation, the Veteran's Administration, the Department of Health,
Education and Welfare, the National Institute of Mental Health, the Law
Enforcement Assistance Administration (under the Department of Justice).
"All of the above agencies were named in secret CIA documents as those who
provided research 'cover' for MKULTRA."
Often/ Chickwit -1967 Or 1968, Project OFTEN/CHICKWIT was initiated by the
Army Chemical Corps and the CIA's Office of Research and Development to
create new drug compounds "that could be used offensively." Hallucinogens
were tested on inmates in Pennsylvania, but very little is known about the
experiments. "CIA documents mention 'several laboratory accidents' in
which a drug designated as EA-3167 produced 'prolonged psychotic effects
in laboratory personnel' "
U.S. Army dispenses Bacillus subtilis variant niger
throughout the New York City subway system. More than a million civilians
are exposed when army scientists drop lightbulbs filled with the bacteria
onto ventilation grates.
It would appear that the CIA's drug testing
continued throughout the 1970s since, "A CIA memo dated March 8, 1971,
indicates that a backlog of more than twenty-six thousand drugs had been
acquired 'for future screening'
Location: Montauk, Long
Island Electronic multi-directional targeting of select population
groups Targeting: Medium range Frequencies: Radar, microwaves. EHF
UHF modulated Power: Gigawatt through Terawatt Purpose: Loading of
Earth Grids, planetary sonombulescence to stave off geological activity,
specific-point earthquake creation, population programming for sensitized
individuals Pseudonym: "Rainbow", ZAP
Electronic directed targeting of
individuals or populations Targeting: Large population groups
assembled Display: Black helicopters flying in triad formation of
three Power: 100,000 watts Frequency: UHF Purpose: Large group
management and behavior control, riot control Allied Agencies:
FEMA Pseudonym: "Black Triad" A.E.M.C
RF MEDIA, 1990,
Electronic, multi-directional subliminal
suggestion and programming Location: Boulder, Colorado (Location of
main cell telephone node, national television synchronization
node) Targeting: national population of the United
States Frequencies: ULF VHF HF Phase modulation Power:
Gigawatts Implementation: Television and radio communications, the
"videodrome" signals Purpose: Programming and triggering behavioral
desire, subversion of psychic abilities of population, preparatory
processing for mass electromagnetic control Pseudonym: "Buzz Saw"
TOWER, 1990, CIA,
Electronic cross country subliminal
programming and suggestion Targeting: Mass population, short-range
intervals, long-range cumulative Frequencies: Microwave, EHF
SHF Methodology: Cellular telephone system, ELF modulation Purpose:
Programming through neural resonance and encoded information Effect:
Neural degeneration, DNA resonance modification, psychic
suppression Pseudonym: "Wedding Bells"
Third Chance -In I991 operations
Bug, Third Chance, Derby Hat and MKUltra under which various aspects of
mind control were performed from BB size ear, eye nose and brain implants
had been studied for two decades. And they were placed in the hands of
South American dictators and others in operations against high echelon
captured drug dealers and other prisoners.
Electromagnetic resonant induction and
mass population control Location: Gakona, Alaska Frequencies:
Atmospheric phase-locked resonant UHF VHF Potential: DNA code
alteration in population and mass behavior modification Power:
Giga-watt to Tera-watt range Step-Down reflective frequencies: Approx
1.1 GHz, Human DNA resonant frequency, cellular system phase-lock
Electromagnetic resonant induction and
mass population control Location: Nationwide Frequencies: Emotional
wavelengths, data gathering through helicopter probes following media
events - rebroadcast in order to restimulate population emotional levels
for recreation of event scenarios. Ref: LE#108, March
1998 Potential: Mass behavior modification Power: Unknown. Possibly
rebroadcast through GWEN network or cellular tower frequencies,
coordinated from NBS in Colorado.
More Implants: Blanche Chavoustie
Janine Jones
Tracey Mitchell
See; http://www.mindcontrolforums.com/